Receive God's Favour

I praise and thank God for His faithfulness.I receive, in the name of Jesus, God's favour upon me.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Sacrifice of Thanksgiving - "Todah"

 For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them, but by Thy right hand and Thine arm and the light of Thy countenance, because Thou hadst favor unto them. - Psalm 44:3
21st Century King James Version  (KJ21)
 The Message version of the same has it thus :
We didn't fight for this land;
      we didn't work for it—it was a gift!
   You gave it, smiling as you gave it,
      delighting as you gave it.

Lord God, my Abba, thank You for showing such favour upon us . How sweet of You to smile and delight in seeing us receiving Your favour. There is none like You my God. I come to You with a thankful heart, for You prefer as sacrifice a thank offering . In Psalm 50 : 14, it is written : 
Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving,
    and perform your vows to the Most High, and call upon me in the day of trouble;
    I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”
and 50 :23 
The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me;
    to one who orders his way rightly
    I will show the salvation of God!”

Lord, I promise to make this sacrifice of thanksgiving to You . I trust in You Lord. You take control of every situation I find myself in. I need not fear any danger or mishap, because Your Right Hand shelters me and mine whom You have given me.
Thank You Father, Thank You Jesus, thank You Holy Spirit,
I praise You Abba, I adore You Dad, I love You with my whole heart.
Come Holy Spirit, and dwell within our beings. 
Your Grace is sufficient for us, Lord.
Through him then let us offer up a sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of lips which make confession to his name. - Heb 13 :15.

...the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voices of those who sing, as they bring thank offerings to the house of the LORD: “‘Give thanks to the LORD of hosts, for the LORD is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!’ For I will restore the fortunes of the land as at first, says the LORD.-  Jeremiah 33:11
Today's word -   " Todah" 
It is Hebrew for "thanksgiving," although it also connotes a confession of praise in addition to gratitude.
  Todah's Greek version is "eucharistia"
When someone's life was delivered from great danger or disease , it was Hebrew custom to offer a todah sacrifice.
For instance, David had the Levites lead the people in todah hymns, that is, psalms of thanksgiving  in1 Chron. 16:8-36.
At the todah celebration that brought the ark into Jerusalem, David gave the Levites a new mandate — their primary job was to "invoke, to thank, and to praise the Lord" (1 Chron. 16:4).
One of the most important purposes of a todah meal was to remember the saving deeds of the Lord. Indeed, this is one of the functions of the todah psalms: to recount the mighty deeds of God (cf. Ps. 22:28). In the Eucharist, Christians give thanks for God's deliverance and remember how Jesus brought about the new exodus with His death and Resurrection. For Jesus had told them, "Do this in  remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19). This act of remembrance is what the todah is all about — recalling in gratitude God's saving deeds. This leads us to one of the key fruits of a todah — or Eucharistic — spirituality: A deep sense of thankfulness leads to worship. Worship flows from gratitude; cut off from gratitude the will to worship withers.
The todah teaches us to trust God with a grateful heart. By "remembering" Jesus' gift of Himself upon the Cross our love for God is rekindled. Such "remembrance," which is the purpose of todah, leads to deeper trust. As the psalmist says, "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God" (Ps. 20:7). (6)
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